Programs/Daily Routine

Flexible daily routines

Our daily schedules are flexible and adapt to meet the needs of the children. Additional programs and special activities take place within the basic daily routine. Based on age-appropriate practices, we committed to offer high-quality childcare that will support and encourage children, so that they can reach their full potential.

High Stardards

We created a secure and organized learning enviroment to promote the global and harmonious development of our children. We maintain our child’s safety, happiness and well-being to the highest standards. Together, it is our responsibility as educators and parents to prepare children to be succeed later in their life

Routine and Activities

Routine and Activities
7h00 - 8h15 

Greeting time --Free play-this may consist of the following:

  • Collage art (coloring, cutting, gluing)
  • Block play (building with legos, wooden blocks)
  • Table toys (puzzles, manipulative toys)
  • Dramatic play (kitchen toys, dress up clothes)
  • Books and puppet play
8h15 - 9h00 

Children cleanup & groups separated, free play in classrooms

9h00 - 9h30 

Hand washing, toileting, diapering, morning snack

9h30 - 10h00

Circle Time

  • Story read by educators in French and/or English
  • Finger plays and songs
  • Body movement and music
10h00 - 10h45

Daily Activities 1: Educator planeed activities

  • Creative: painting, collage, coloring, gluing, water and sand play,
    musical instruments, pretend play
  • Physical: stringing beads, cutting, working with playdough, construction toys
  • Social: group/cooperative games, interactive stories, puppets
  • Cognitive: books, puzzles, story tapes/CDs, bingo games, computer, letter and number games
  • Language: music, songs, stories
10h45- 11h15

Daily Activities 2: 

  • Outdoor play /indoor play – climbing structures, walking, running, balls and hoops, yoga mat play – rolling, crawling, stretching
  • Music
11h15- 11h30

Daily Activities 2: Hand washing, toileting, diapering

11h30- 12h15


12h15- 12h30

Story and Quiet Time

12h30- 14h45

Nap time

14h45- 15h30

Wake up, hand washing, toileting, diapering,  afternoon snack

15h30- 16h15

Daily activities 3 - educator planned activities

16h15- 16h45

Music and movement

16h45- 18h:00

Choice Time and departure