
A place with love and respect

Children are introduced to child-sized furniture and constructive
elements which will support their needs and their physical and psychological development. It is a place of love constituted with knowledge, respect and work.  Social & Emotional goals include helping the child identify and manage his emotions. We introduce routines and encourage them to understand the concept of property and what’s “mine”. The beginning of learning social codes and behavior rules are also introduced. Cognitive activities include emergent mathematics concepts such as sorting or grouping objects, difference between large/small and the notion of quantity. Childrenare introduced to their first puzzles (6-8 pieces) and begin to grasp the concepts associated with time (soon, before and after).

Learning is fun

Language Development activities include a rich variety of stories, songs, vocabulary words and hard-cover books. We offer the bilingual program from their first words. Gross and fine motor development activities are extremely important at this age. Throwing balls, jumping and riding a tricycle are just some of the activities that take place daily. Toddlers also experience with Zumba with our specialist in order to help them develop body perception, awareness and relaxation, as well as a sense of
internal balance and well-being. Parents can expect daily ommunication with their child’s teacher as well as year-end assessment reports.